Five years ago, I wasn’t where I wanted to be.
I spent the previous years building a number of failed ventures.
Prior to that I was a Navy SEAL officer, leading people in combat.
I skipped going to university because I wanted to learn business “the real way”.
I knew I had the tools, the skillset, the training, the drive.
I should be succeeding like crazy.
But somehow, for some reason, things didn’t click.
The transition from military life to civilian life was rough, to say the least.
The repeated failures in the business ventures took their toll.
I wasn’t succeeding. I wasn’t confident. I wasn’t even sure I’m moving forward.
I was at a crossroads. Should I keep pursuing a business ‘career’, or should I go and get my undergrad?
That’s when I met a gentleman who told me you can get an MBA without a bachelor’s.
I spent 45 minutes speaking with him, and those 45 minutes changed my life.
I left the meeting KNOWING that I am going to do an MBA, whatever it takes.
I spent the following months doing tests, writing essays, practicing for interviews.
Because so few people have done it before, there wasn’t a clear way to go about it.
I invested immense amounts of time, money and energy.
At the end, I got into the best MBA in the world, without an undergrad.
Not only that, I also had a playbook.
I started telling others like me that it’s not only possible, but how it could be done!
I went through my MBA in INSEAD. It completely changed my life - in the best way possible.
Since then I moved to NY, worked for a PE firm, and am building two companies.
I am married, expecting a kid, read a ton, and in general am happy and inspired!
To me, an MBA is more than a salary raise, a bragging right, or the opportunity to change an industry.
It’s even more than the opportunity to network with accomplished people.
To me, it’s a way back into believing in yourself after you’ve failed.
To being around the smartest people you’ve ever met.
To learn from the world’s great minds.
To develop skills that will serve you in the company you will one day build.
It’s all those things and more. Especially if you’re not a ‘cookie cutter’ type.
My personal positive experience encouraged me to help others do the same.
I’ve created an education company to coach others do the same.
It helps ‘non-traditional’ applicants get into top MBAs, by giving them tools to tell their story.
To me the MBA was a transformational experience.
That’s why I am encouraging others to do the same.
Not only that, but I am also creating tools to help them get there.
I’d be happy to help you do the same.
One last note -
To you reading this, this is what I want to tell you:
This might be for you. Or it might not.
Life isn’t a ‘one size fits all’.
There’s more than one way to skin a cat.
Success is very subjective - find out what that means for you.
Look at others for inspiration, not answers.
Take the road less traveled. Experiment. Err. Fail. Break.
Recover. Learn. Grow.
Your life might not be perfect, but it’s the only one you’ve got.
Enjoy the journey. I’d be proud to walk a part of it with you.